Monday, July 29, 2013

Blake's Birthday Invite ... July 12, 2013

We, the Faerie Guardians at Enchanted Pathways Faerie Nursery were invited to a Birthday Party...our very first invite for the nursery to do sparkle tattoos.

We enjoyed our time at Blake's birthday and I think by the time we left...everyone was sparkled! Even the furniture I hear...oops!!

Laura was able to provide us a few photos from that day....Miss Tehya is wearing a purple t-shirt, Miss Blake (the birthday girl) is wearing a shiny yellow princess dress, Miss Mackenzie is wearing a shiny purple princess dress and Master Imoosy is wearing a green t-shirt.

Birthday Girl Blake and Imoosey
Tehya, Blake, Mackenzie and Imoosey 

Blake, Mackenzie and Imoosey
Tehya and Imoosey
                  Tehya, Blake, Mackenzie and Imoosey 
Tehya, Blake, Mackenzie and Imoosey 

Faerie Amma, Faerie Georgina and Faerie Malinda