I'm not sure if it is by complete coincidence of the true nature and meaning behind the lore of Fae, behind the traditions of today and the weekend of a new time. What an amazing day, what an amazing weekend, this is!!
Shall we start at the beginning....
As in today's 'Thought of the Day' graphic, evil, well no, that's not quite correct in the definition...I bare with me..I'm getting to it). The Seelie Court has just a bit of evil to it, and I guess you could say that the Unseelie Court has just a bit more evil, possibly a whole lot more than just a bit, evil attached to this group (oh come on now...you know that this 'just a bit' of evil in no way, shape or form truly describes this court).
History....now, please do forgive me, as this information is pulled from so many sources, that I can't really quote any one of them as I have jumbled all of the words into my own interpretation....as always..sigh...so, please do not bother scrolling down to the bottom as there are no footnotes included....
Let's try to explain a few things....
There are possibly 6, but knowing faeries, there will technically be an inexhaustible limit to the courts within the realms of fae but there are 6 that seem to have withstood the test of time and are still quite known today. This part I have found to be a little bit strange to me, as the information that I was able to garner really only spoke of 4 major courts...but who am I to say anything, particularly anything that I really know nothing about!!
Onto the definitions...I know get on with it already...there are still 2 other topics on today's agenda to talk about....
Fae Courts....
The Seelie Courts:
Summer - these faeries are possibly the nicest of all, well to your face that is as they can be or probably more so a bit on the fiery side. Fiery side? Well, you know how the sun during this time is at its brightest, the warmest, the ice tea (for those of you that prefer something a bit stronger, I will add in coolers and even though it is not my cup of tea (ha, ha, ha) a bottle of beer being cracked open that can be heard throughout the land), the time for barbecues, lounging around by the pool/ocean/water in general, the time of the full blooming for the flowers...Okay you get the drift...this particular court is the epitome of summer, but just as some days can be soooo friggin' (sorry for swearing but that is the best definition) hot and unbearable...so can be the faeries. I'm not sure if the heat is what gets to them but remember that fiery side I mentioned earlier....well so can their tempers be, hence the LESS evil of the groups.
Spring - okay, so I'm doing these out of order...just note that I can do this as it is me telling the story here...so there! This court of course represents the spring season...dah, bet you didn't figure that out on your own now did ya'. This court can be called the calmest of them all. It is not too hot or not too cold for that matter...it is just right, (not trying to make any reference at all to the story of 'Goldilocks and the Three Little Bears') but hey, if it helps with the analogy of this paragraph than so be it. Everything is just right, literally, the porridge, the chair and the finally the bed. Think that should pretty well sum up this court!
The next Court is The Unseelie (and I suppose you already have figured out who these guys are)!! (smarty pants...no-one likes a know-it-all):
Autumn - the time of change, the time of death, the time of dancing around the campfire. These are the worker bees of the hive. They are the collectors of the honey, okay enough with the references to outside stories or behaviours. Sitting back on the rocking chair, smoking that long pipe, listening to the fiddle music (not my personal favourite type of music, but I degress again), thanking the 'gods' above that the pesky little ones are finally going back to school, watching the sun sink below the horizon with its fantastic orange colours, oh and how could I forget....doing the cannonball jumps in the raked up leaf pile. There is no tea on the menu tonight but more the warmed hot buttered rum apple cider (spiked with a bit of rum, okay, perhaps more like a 75/25 split, yes that being the rum at the 75 percentage as who wants just an apple flavouring in the mug...mind you...I might like mine without the rum part but with the 75% being the hot buttered flavouring), I know in the latter part of this season you can purchase eggnog (but then again, when did it become the norm to have Christmas trees and potential gifts all ready in the isles at shopping malls), mulled wine with cranberries..(yummy) and even hot chocolate with those wee marshmallows that float on top from the package (I've heard but don't quote me on this...they really aren't marshmallows..but who really wants to know this fact/fiction). So to sum this court up, they are the wild bunch that really is calmest of the all!
Winter: the time of freezing your butt off, getting your tongue stuck on that metal light post, snow ball fights, the building of igloos, the....oh wait, this is the human race I'm talking about now! Besides it being to darn (did you all see that...I substituted the word darn instead of the harsher word, the not so polite, the word you wouldn't say in front of your Granny...damn...of crap...there I typed it out anyways)...I know, me bad...the faeries made me do it...seeeee...just like I mentioned above the MORE, possibly EVEN MORE evilest of the courts. 'nough about this group as I think you can probable fill in the blanks after the words 'more, possibly even more evilest' of the courts....
So here, it the graphic....
p.s. I ran out of room on this blog posting so you will just have to wait for the next topic being typed out a bit later on in the day...now don't get your panties tied in a knot....I promise to be back later (yes, I know...promises, promises!!).
p.s.s. Yes, this is the same graphic that I will be putting up on the 'Thought of the Day' tab, so don't feel obligated to changing pages, as I would hate to make you work any harder today than necessary.
p.s.s.s See I told you there would be no quotational footnotes!! SEE!!

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of a coloured rainbow...kissed with aroma of a midsummer's bouquet...bringing a breathtaking
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