I have been huddled away here in the nursery for a few reasons...
1. the weather...it's cold outside
2. my health has crept back to the forefront of my life again
3. it is the busy season for the nursery
4. it's still cold out there
5. I have ordered so much product that I have to somehow find places to put it all
6. it's still very cold out there
7. I am surrounded by beauty in my little nursery with twinkling lights, hanging vines and fancy silk flowers, faeries that I have made and some that I have bought and all of my ideas and dreams circling around me.
This is my sanctuary. I am at home here. And did I mention....it's cold out there!!
So...today, being a Sunday, being Sunday, November 10, 2013 which normally is a rather quiet day, being a Sunday and all. I had quite a few wonderful surprises happen.
1. The Faery World magazine was printed today and my ad was placed on the front inside cover. Ms. Tee Gregory (Owner) has the most coolest way to view her website that you can actually see my advert for yourself. Thank you so much.
2. I received an email from Bethan Davies (Founder/CEO) for CraftStar, an on-line e-commerce store that I am a member of. This email informed me that my work was included in their 25 Magical and Fantasy Gifts Guide blog and on their YouTube video! Both Snowflake and Raven of the Northern Faeries Line were featured. Thank you so much.
3. I have joined 5 new Facebook groups - Handmade Crafts; Arts and Crafts for Sale; Handmade With Love Creations; "Crafty We R" ONLY Hand and Homemade Craft Sales, Tips and Help, and Craft Crafts where I have featured my Northern Line Faeries and I can't believe the wonderful and kinds words and messages that other members have left for me. Thank you so much.
So besides it being cold outside today, my heart couldn't be warmer. Thank you so much to each and everyone of you. You made my day.

A Faerie Nursery!!
Our nursery is certainly not your everyday garden by any means.
As if mingled with the seeds sprinkled in an ornamental garden...which have been dipped in hues
of a coloured rainbow...kissed with aroma of a midsummer's bouquet...bringing a breathtaking
and magical feel that can only be found in our enchanted nursery.
Welcome to the nursery..... www.faerienursery.com
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