Due to my constant complaining (I know, how can you complain when you spend your days working with faeries?? TRUST ME!!) the faeries decided to have a meeting. Now this is truly a very big deal. Faeries shall we say are not exactly the type to sit around a conference table and make friendly chit chat let alone make any decisions. That's just not the faerie way. They are more like oooohhhhh the sugar in that bowl is kinda like sparkly when the sun beams hit it just the right way.....and then it kinda really looks like faerie dust so lets have a party :) Yay...that's more of what my days are like.
So I will give them credit where credit is due...they all got together and made a decision. And in a very quiet voice she says....but you should have seen the mess afterwards! I swear there were more tea dishes to wash and have you ever tried to get faerie dust off of a teacup that has dried tea drops covered in faerie dust? Lets just say I had the sparkliest dish water ever seen.
Now, onto the decision. Again since I seem to do an awful lot of complaining when it comes to this whole faerie dust situation the faeries thought that maybe they should help me out. Don't really think they understood the whole thing since in retrospect it is them making the mess...but never mind....an appointment has been made.
Earlier on in the week the faeries whispered that they had thought that the nursery required a 'Keeper of the Faerie Dust'. Woo Hoo.....finally I will get some help around here (oops...did I say that out loud...I will pay for that I just know it!).
A Keeper of the Faerie Dust what a wonderful title and what a most difficult position that will be. If I can't control these silly ole faeries who can?
I really didn't know how you would go about appointing a faerie to an actual position but they decided it would be best to have a member of the Clay Potters take on the job. As the Clay Potters are a permanent fixture here in the nursery that certainly made perfect sense to me as most of the wee faeries here are either on a stopover or just trying to figure out where they would like to move to.
So yesterday I came down to the nursery to find MORE faerie dust but this time it was different, it wasn't EVERYWHERE? There on the table was a 'pile' of blue faerie dust?? This in itself was very odd for these tricksters. What fun is there in making just a pile of faerie dust? But there was a message waiting there for me. Wow, the faeries had made me a note during the night and so not to miss it they left me this....
And here she is.....I would like you all to meet Sapphire the Pixie our newly appointed Keeper of the Faerie Dust. Congratulations Sapphire :)

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