Wednesday, February 5, 2014

It's the Little Things that Count

I so fell in love with the little tree that I had added as an extra to Faerie Boreal of the Northern Line of Faeries that I just had to do the same for all of the other Faeries.

Now I haven't gotten around to taking photos of the Faeries with their extras yet but here are the items that they will have.

Faerie Aurora with her dreamcatcher....

Faerie Boreal with her pine tree....

Faerie Midnight Sun with her sun charm....

Faerie Raven with her raven....

Faerie Snowflake with her snowflake....

Faerie Agua with her water drop....

For those of you that have already purchased a Northern Faerie and you would like to have her accompanying extra, please let me know and I will send you one from the Nursery at no charge. 

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